Wellness Programs

Supporting all aspects of an employee’s health through customized solutions that fit the unique needs of your population
OSU Health Plan health coaches standing together and smiling

Improving health and productivity in the workplace

Wellness extends past what happens at the doctor’s office. It is impacted by many aspects of a person’s lifestyle and habits, including what they eat, how they spend their time, and how they think and feel.

Ohio State Health Plan Solutions offers a suite of wellness programs that employers can offer to support a positive lifestyle and healthier employees.

doctor taking a patient's blood pressure and another doctor showing results on a report

Biometric Screening Icon
Biometric screenings
star icon
Health risk assessments
Health coaching icon
Health coaching
Health education webinar icon
Health education webinars/ presentations

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center offers additional wellness programs through their Employer Health Solutions.

View Additional Services From Employer Health Solutions

Ready to learn more?

Contact us to learn more about our Wellness Programs and how you can help support the overall well-being of your employees.